Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Surprise Post Tomorrow!

What's up guys
Tomorrow I will be posting about a surprise.
I can't tell you what it is about, but I can give you one hint: it is a field trip!

I am keeping you guys waiting
 oh and sorry but I can't post any pics today because the image uploader wont show up.

I will go back and edit this tomorrow, I hope it works!

Monday, April 29, 2013

My First Major Event on AJ!

hey guys, check this out
There is a Summer Carnival coming to AJ!

Yay I am sooo excited!!!!!!!
This will be my first major event on AJ!

xxxPage Under Constructionxxx

What's up!

I made a new page on my other blog www.slendermaniac.blogspot.com
It's for all of my fanpics.
If you have a pic that you want me to show on my blogs, just follow, comment, and I just might post it!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

New Signature

What up

I am working on a new signature.

It is for both of my blogs.

I hope it works. It is very fire related


Saturday, April 27, 2013

To Confuse Someone


Do any of you know how to confuse people?
Well, I love to sometimes. If you do too, you have come to the right place!
The easiest trick is to write backwards or write in mirror reflections.
It might take you sometime, but once you get used to it, it comes natual!


Friday, April 26, 2013

Cramming the Morse Code

Hello Reader,

I am really trying to learn all sorts of codes, and the first one i am planning to learn that is not one of my codes is the Morse Code. The Morse Code if the most famous code in history. It was used in telegraph during wars to send secret messages. Right now I am trying to learn and memorize the Morse Code in 1 weekend, so I am basically cramming. Lol, not really, though.

Tiffany aka Uggboz

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Follow me

Sup reader,

Please comment on both of my blogs and follow it.

Also, be sure to follow my instagram accounts @slendermans_daughter2001 @slendy_shoutouts

and also be sure to load my ask.fm with questions!

My page is ask.fm/slendermaniac


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My first code

Hi guys. Today I'm going to tell you about my special after code, it's actually pretty easy to remember
To code a message, replace each letter with the one after, like this: A=B B=C C=D and so on
So "Hello, I am Tiffany" would look something like this.......Ifmmp, J bn Ujggboz
To decode a message, replace each coded letter with the one before
A=Z B=A C=B and so on....
Easy, huh.
This is my very first and my favorite code, and if you want to check out my other blog, The One and Only Tiffany, click on the link, or go to www.slendermaniac.blogspot.com. Peace out.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Code Lovers Unite!

Hello, my name is Tiffany.
I love making codes, learning codes, and breaking codes.